11 Best Web Design Tips For Beginners By Expert Deisgners

11 Best Web Design Tips For Beginners By Expert Designers


When you’re designing a website, it can be difficult to know where to begin. There are so many different elements that go into the process, and it can be hard to know which ones are most important. If you want your site to look professional and appealing, there are certain things you should always keep in mind when designing.

We asked expert web designers about the best tips they could give to beginners, and here’s what they had to say.

Choose A Great Colour Scheme

Let’s talk colours! When it comes to choosing a colour scheme, you should choose one that matches your brand and the way you want people to perceive your business. For example, if you’re a small business in an industry where most companies use black as their primary logo colour, then don’t go overboard with bright colours like red or yellow just because they are more attractive than boring blue ones.

The best thing about choosing a good colour scheme is that it will help users instantly recognise what they see on the screen so they can better process information from this website. In addition, when everyone else uses different hues of black (for example) but yours stands out clearly against all other competitors, this makes people more likely to notice it and remember its name when viewing content later on down the road!

Don’t Use Too Much Text

Don’t use too much text. We can’t stress this enough.

The most important rule for web design is to keep it simple. Use the right amount of white space, and don’t crowd the page with too many images or buttons.

Images can help break up text into smaller chunks, making it easier for readers to digest information that might otherwise be hard to understand if there was just one big block of copy all on one line. If you’re using images as an element in your design, make sure they’re relevant and add value by using them effectively!

Make sure your font choices are easy enough to read, even in small sizes (like on mobile devices). This means avoiding fonts like Comic Sans or Papyrus if you want people who don’t know those fonts well enough yet—or even if only some people do know them well enough—to be able see what’s going on clearly enough when read through long paragraphs full of text (which could happen on other pages too!).

Keep Mobile In Mind

One of the best things about web design is that you can use whatever tools and skills you have at your disposal. If you’re a beginner, this means that there are no set rules to follow other than making sure your site looks good on any device.

If you’re designing a website for mobile devices first and foremost (which is likely), then make sure it’s easy to navigate on both phones and tablets—and once they get bigger screens than those tiny smartphones, make sure they still work properly too!

Use High-Quality Images

There are many factors to consider when choosing images for your website. First, you want to use high-quality images that are relevant and meaningful to the topic of your article. You also need to keep in mind they’re large enough so that people can see what they’re looking at easily without having to zoom in on their computer screens or tablets.

Lastly, it’s important that you don’t use copyrighted material (e.g., copyrights owned by someone else) unless it’s in context with the content itself—for example, if there are quotes from famous authors or other writers on a blog post about writing an essay then those would need permission from said authors before they were added into the layout design because otherwise, someone could sue them over copyright infringement!

Include Contact Information & Call To Action

The first thing you need to do is include contact information. This can be done in a variety of ways:

  • A phone number should be listed on every page of your website.
  • An email address should also be included on every page of your website, even if it’s not relevant to the content on that particular page.
  • If you have a physical address or business domain name, make sure that it appears in one place where it’s easy for visitors to find.


Tell Your Story

If you want to be successful, then you need to tell your story.

You can’t just create a website and hope it will work out on its own. You have to make sure that people know who they are buying from and why they should choose your business over another one.

This means creating content that demonstrates how great of a product or service is being offered by the company in question, as well as highlighting how good their customer service is going to be when problems arise down the road. You need to show potential customers that you are the type of business they can trust, and you have to do this by providing them with the information they can use.

Keep Navigation Simple & Intuitive

When you’re first starting out, it’s easy to get lost in your site’s menu system. Make sure that the navigation is clear and concise so users can easily find what they’re looking for.

Use consistent navigation throughout your site: You don’t want users getting lost or confused if they visit another page on the site (e.g., a blog post). If you have multiple pages on one website, make sure that all of them have consistent navigation options wherever possible—this will make it easier for visitors who are already familiar with how things work now to understand where things go when they reach this new section of content later down the road!

Use White Space Effectively (Less Is More)

White space is the empty space between elements on a page. It helps to organise content and make it easier to read, as well as make your website look more professional. It also allows you to make text stand out, which is especially important for responsive design (see below).

Design For Speed & Performance

One of the most important things you can do to improve your website’s performance is to use a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN serves up content from multiple servers, which reduces load times and makes your site look better by reducing the images that need to be downloaded.

If you already have a website, then you should consider upgrading it so that it can be managed through Cloudflare’s free SSL certificate. This will ensure that all users’ data is encrypted while traveling across the Internet and helps prevent hackers from stealing sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers online.

Add Header Images, Videos Or Animations

Header images are a great way to make your website stand out. They help visitors find your site, remember it, and understand what it’s about.

A header image can be anything from an image of the logo to a color scheme of text on the page. The point is that every time someone sees this element, they’ll think about you in some way or another (unless they’re distracted by something else).

Build Trust With Customer Testimonials & Reviews

You can use customer testimonials to build trust with your customers. Customer reviews are a great way to show that you are listening and responding to their needs.

You can do this in a few different ways:

  • Ask for reviews verbally, via email, or social media channels like Facebook
  • Ask for reviews on your site through pop-ups or other forms of communication (for example, if you have an app)
  • Ask for reviews on third-party sites.


Building a great website that can help you grow your business is a lot easier than you think.

Building a great website that can help you grow your business is a lot easier than you think.

It’s not just about having the right tools and learning how to use them, but also about knowing what goes into making an effective site design.

When it comes to web design, there are several things that experts agree on:

  • The first step in building a good website is knowing your audience. This means understanding who their demographic is so that you can tailor your content accordingly. For example, if they’re looking for information about property law or how to start an online business, then those topics would be relevant and informative for them. However, if instead, they were interested in buying tickets for concerts or renting cars then this might not be as helpful because there isn’t much overlap between those two groups’ needs (though maybe someday!).



There you have it—11 tips for creating a great website that will help your business grow. We hope that this article has given you some inspiration and ideas for what to do next in your journey toward web design success! We want to wish you the best of luck when it comes time to design that site, whether it’s one small step at a time or all-out world domination!

Need help with your website? We can design it and build it for you. Contact us today!

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